Stress response during combined anaesthesia xenon and dexmedetomidine in radical surgery for gastric cancer
ISSN (print) 1726-9806     ISSN (online) 1818-474X
PDF_2018-2_40-45 (Russian)


a cytokine
surgical stress
stomach cancer

How to Cite

Faltin V.V., Avdeev S.V., Afanasiev S.G., Shalygina K.V., Puteev I.P. Stress response during combined anaesthesia xenon and dexmedetomidine in radical surgery for gastric cancer. Annals of Critical Care. 2018;(2):40-45. doi:10.21320/1818-474X-2018-2-40-45


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The prospective randomized study included 53 patients with operable II–III stage gastric cancer. The age range was from 26 to 75 years. The patients underwent gastrectomy (n = 21) and subtotal distal gastrectomy (n = 32). The study group comprised 27 patients who received anesthesia with xenon and dexmedetomidine combined with epidural analgesia. The control group consisted of 26 patients who received anesthesia with sevoflurane in combination with epidural analgesia. The effectiveness of the compared methods of anesthesia was assessed by the parameters of hemodynamic, oxygenation, hormone level and cytokine profile. In the perioperative period, the combination of xenon and dexmedetomidine in combination with epidural analgesia was characterized by significant inhibition of systemic inflammatory reactions and a lower release of stress hormones as components of a surgical stress response. The use of the combination of xenon and dexmedetomidine during surgery for gastric cancer provides a more adequate course of the perioperative period.
PDF_2018-2_40-45 (Russian)


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