Thrombosis and thromboembolism are one of the frequent serious and complications in all groups of patients and can lead to death. The purpose of our study was to analyze the clinical situations that required the use of antithrombin concentrate in the practice of intensive care units within the framework of a multidisciplinary hospital. A retrospective analysis was performed of the treatment of 38 patients with acquired antithrombin deficiency in 2016, which was treated with antithrombin. The analysis of the clinical situations that required the use of antithrombin concentrate revealed that the most frequent need for the use of the drug occurs in patients with malignant blood diseases, liver and kidney diseases and in patients with sepsis. Also, the calculation methods for determining the required dosage do not provide an optimal level of AT activity, and the efficacy of anticoagulant therapy does not depend on the total dosage of the drug administered.References
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