Intraoperative prevention of cognitive impairment in total intravenous anesthesia in school-age children: randomized clinical trial
ISSN (print) 1726-9806     ISSN (online) 1818-474X
PDF_2018-4_57-64 (Russian)


postoperative cognitive dysfunction
total intravenous anesthesia
school-age children

How to Cite

Lugovoy A.V., Panteleeva M.V., Nadkina E.D., Ovezov A.M. Intraoperative prevention of cognitive impairment in total intravenous anesthesia in school-age children: randomized clinical trial. Annals of Critical Care. 2018;(4):57-64. doi:10.21320/1818-474X-2018-4-57-64


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Objective. To determine the possibility of prophylactic use of the domestic drug Cytoflavin to reduce the incidence of cognitive impairment after total intravenous anesthesia based on propofol and fentanyl in school-age children.

Material and methods. A prospective randomized clinical trial involving 90 school-age children (ASA I–II) was conducted. Children operated under total intravenous anesthesia on the basis of propofol and fentanyl were randomized into two groups: intraoperative cerebroprotection with cytoflavine 0.25 mg/kg per minute by succinate was performed in group 1 (n = 30), and no cerebroprotection was performed in group 2 (n = 30). For the Z-assessment of cognitive potential, neuropsychological testing of children of the same age who were not subjected to anesthesia was performed (group 3, n = 30).

Research results. There were no significant differences in hemodynamic and neurophysiological parameters in the groups using total intravenous anesthesia based on propofol and fentanyl. Analysis of these parameters showed the safety of the study drug. In the 1 group postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) was detected on the first day of 6.67 % of children, and on the 7th day of postoperative period — at 3.33 %. In group 2, on the first day of the postoperative period, POCD was verified in 13.79 % of patients, on the 7th day — in 27.59 %.

Conclusion. The obtained data showed the effectiveness and safety of the domestic drug Cytoflavin as a prophylactic agent of POCD in school-age children with total intravenous anesthesia based on propofol and fentanyl.

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