Comparison of Intubating Supraglottic Airways LMA Fastrach™ and ILTS-D® under Normal and Simulated Difficult Airways — a Manikin Study
ISSN (print) 1726-9806     ISSN (online) 1818-474X
PDF_2017-1_12-19 (Russian)


airway management
intubating laryngeal tube
intubating laryngeal mask
patient simulation
difficult airway
airway management training

How to Cite

Andreenko A.A., Grachev I.N., Faizov I.I. Comparison of Intubating Supraglottic Airways LMA Fastrach™ and ILTS-D® under Normal and Simulated Difficult Airways — a Manikin Study. Annals of Critical Care. 2017;(1):12-19. doi:10.21320/1818-474X-2017-1-12-19


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Objectives. The goal of study was to compare the effectiveness of using Fastrach ™ and iLTS-D® on a manikin by novices 1st year resident-anesthesiologists under normal and simulated difficult airways. Material and Methods. At the first stage the participants conducted four consecutive trials on a manikin. Each trial included insertion, ventilation and blind intubation the manikin using iLTS-D® and Fastrach™. ‘Time to ventilation’, ‘time to tracheal ventilation’, success rates and number of attempts were recorded for the both devices. At the second stage participants performed one attempt of ventilation and blind intubation under simulated difficult airways (midline head stabilization and limited mouth opening 3 cm). It was estimated the difference between devices in ‘time to ventilation’ and ‘time to tracheal ventilation’; differences in success rates at trial 4 and at the second stage. Results. There was no difference in ‘time to ventilation’ between either device in trial 4 (median: Fastrach: 14.7 s, iLTS-D: 13.2 s, p = 0.14). Also there was no difference in ‘time to tracheal ventilation’ between either device in trial 4 (median: Fastrach: 15.4 s., iLTS-D: 13.9 s, p = 0.55). Both devices were equally effective in a simulated difficult airway, ventilation and intubation at the first attempt was successful in all cases, there was no significant difference in ‘time to ventilation’ (Fastrach: 12.3 s, iLTS-D: 13.5 s, p = 0.14) and ‘time to tracheal ventilation’ (Fastrach: 12.6 s, iLTS-D: 12.5 s, p = 0.77).

PDF_2017-1_12-19 (Russian)


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