The study of efficacy and safety of using of the dexmedetomidine related to the group of central agonists of α2-adrenoceptor as the component of multimodal analgesia in vitreoretinal surgery was carried out. Objectives. For this purpose 2 groups of patients after vitreoretinal surgical interventions were examined prospectively. Materials and methods. Evaluation of anesthesia adequacy was performed using the following parameters: depth of sedation level and consciousness depression, which were estimated by means of Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale. The degree of collaboration with physician was also evaluated. Monitoring of arterial pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and SpO2 were conducted. Assessment of pain syndrome was performed with use of verbal descriptive scale of pain intraoperatively and at early postoperative period. The perioperative consumption of fentanyl was taken into consideration. Conclusions. Analysis of the results allowed to conclude that the usage of dexmedetomidine reduced perioperative consumption of opioid analgesics and severity of hemodynamic responses, it helped to maintain consciousness at a comfortable level both for patients and operators.
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