Preoperative Assessment of a Patient’s Functional Status. Current State of the Problem
ISSN (print) 1726-9806     ISSN (online) 1818-474X
PDF_2017-3_35-41 (Russian)


preoperative examination
operational-anesthesia risk
cardiovascular complications
functional exercise tests
anaerobic threshold
cardiorespiratory stress testing

How to Cite

Tsygankov K.A., Shсhegolev A.V., Lahin R.E. Preoperative Assessment of a Patient’s Functional Status. Current State of the Problem. Annals of Critical Care. 2017;(3):35-41. doi:10.21320/1818-474X-2017-3-35-41


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The article is devoted to the significant and actively discussed problem of the prognosis of the complications development in non-cardiac surgery. Despite the progress and the increasing use of intraoperative monitoring, the improvement of the anesthesia methods and the success of clinical pharmacology, the importance of surgical and drug aggression in the manifestation of mechanisms of surgical stress remains. In these conditions, the role of anesthesiologists in providing patient safety during surgical intervention and anesthesia becomes even more important, as well as in the early postoperative period. It should be noted that, despite a large number of publications concerning patients’ functional status assessment and the prognosis of complications, the data about informative methods of preoperative prediction of complications during surgery and anesthesia is almost absent. At the same time, at the current level of science and anesthesiology and resuscitation practice development, the methods for determining the risk and predicting complications should be maximally objectified. All of the circumstances above determine the urgency of searching for opportunities to improve anesthesia safety with the help of objective prediction of the complications development.
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