Modern First Aid Tactics and New Techniques in Acute Poisoning Intensive Therapy
ISSN (print) 1726-9806     ISSN (online) 1818-474X
PDF_2017-3_58-62 (Russian)


acute poisoning
clinical toxicology
emergency medical care

How to Cite

Orlov Y.P. Modern First Aid Tactics and New Techniques in Acute Poisoning Intensive Therapy. Annals of Critical Care. 2017;(3):58-62. doi:10.21320/1818-474X-2017-3-58-62


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Modern tactics of emergency medical care in case of acute poisoning both at prehospital and hospital stages has undergone some changes. Changing of some principal positions was dictated by the international experience of emergency care of acute poisonings, where a new trend is defined by the motto: “The Importance of First Doing No Harm”, which can be translated as “the treatment of critical conditions — the first commandment is do no harm”. The literature review presents modern, restrictive approaches to gastric lavage in acute poisoning, highlights the options of the more extensive use of activated carbon in cases of mild and moderate poisoning severity and considers prospects for the use of new technologies of intensive therapy (high doses of insulin and fat emulsions) in the practice of clinical toxicology.
PDF_2017-3_58-62 (Russian)


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