Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study of Xenon in cancer pain therapy
ISSN (print) 1726-9806     ISSN (online) 1818-474X
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Cancer Pain
Placebo-controlled study
Pain Management

How to Cite

Abuzarova G.R., Khoronenko V.E., Sarmanayeva R.R., Kuznetcov S.V. Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study of Xenon in cancer pain therapy. Annals of Critical Care. 2020;(4):48-57. doi:10.21320/1818-474X-2020-4-48-57


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Objectives. To evaluate safety and efficacy of administering a 50/50 mixture of xenon and oxygen gases to patients with moderate-to-severe cancer pain.

Materials and methods. The study included 131 patients with moderate-to-severe cancer pain, who had been randomized into two groups: patients to receive inhalation of a mixture of xenon and oxygen in a volume ratio of 50/50, and those to receive inhalation of a mixture of oxygen and air. Efficacy was evaluated based on the following measurements: intensity of pain by NRS 30 minutes after each procedure; at the end of treatment; 2 weeks after treatment. Safety was assessed by dynamics of hemodynamic and laboratory parameters; incidence of adverse events in each group.

Results. The study results showed that the median decrease in pain intensity measured by NRS 30 minutes after inhalation of xenon-oxygen mixture was –19.00 (–24.50 to 13.25) against –4.00 (–6.00 to 2.00) in the placebo group: the results attested to statistically significant differences (p < 0.001) and a superior analgesic efficacy of xenon-oxygen mixture over placebo. Following the course of treatment, a significant NRS-measured decrease from 50.00 (40.00–60.00) to 30.00 (20.00–41.25) mm was registered in the active treatment group compared to an unverifiable decrease in NRS from 60.00 (35,00–70.00) to 55.0 (35.00–60.00) mm in the placebo group. The course of xenon inhalations made it possible to significantly reduce average daily doses of tramadol from 210.9 ± 31.3 mg to 150.1 ± 28.3, and also significantly reduce NSAID intake. AEs (n = 8) were observed only in 7 patients in the group receiving xenon therapy. Аll AEs were mild.

Conclusions. Xenon-oxygen mixture was safe and performed better than placebo for analgesia in cancer pain treatment.

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