Perioperative management of patients with hypertension. Guidelines of the All-Russian Public Organization “Federation of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists”
ISSN (print) 1726-9806     ISSN (online) 1818-474X
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arterial hypertension
blood pressure
antihypertensive therapy
beta blockers
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
angiotensin receptor blockers
calcium antagonists
perioperative period
intensive care
non-cardiac surgery

How to Cite

Zabolotskikh I.B., Bautin A.E., Grigoryev E.V., Gritsan A.I., Lebedinskii K.M., Potievskaya V.I., Subbotin V.V., Khoronenko V.E., Fedunets D.E. Perioperative management of patients with hypertension. Guidelines of the All-Russian Public Organization “Federation of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists.” Annals of Critical Care. 2024;(3):7-26. doi:10.21320/1818-474X-2024-3-7-26


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Arterial hypertension is the most common and socially significant disease among the adult population, which is associated with the development of cardiovascular and other complications during non-cardiac surgery. In 2020, the all-Russian public organization Federation of Anesthesiologists and Intensive Care Specialists developed recommendations for the perioperative management of patients with concomitant hypertension, which have no analogues in the world literature.

In the second edition, from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine, the section of preoperative assessment was expanded by substantiating functional tests and instruments for stratification of cardiac risk, the tactics of antihypertensive therapy in the perioperative period were clarified, safe target thresholds of blood pressure during anesthesia were reasoned, including the variability and duration of this indicator.

The recommendations are intended for anesthesiologists and intensive care specialists, but they will also be useful for students, clinical residents, graduate students and doctors of all surgical specialties.

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