Comparison of anesthesia and perioperative analgesia in simulty hernioplasty and abdominoplasty in patients with obesity
ISSN (print) 1726-9806     ISSN (online) 1818-474X
PDF_2019-01_45-51 (Russian)


low-flow anesthesia
prolonged epidural analgesia
postoperative analgesia
blockage of the transverse abdominal plane

How to Cite

Neimark M.I., Kiselev R.V. Comparison of anesthesia and perioperative analgesia in simulty hernioplasty and abdominoplasty in patients with obesity. Annals of Critical Care. 2019;(1):45-51. doi:10.21320/1818-474X-2019-1-45-51


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Justification. Among patients with large postoperative ventral hernias, the most common are patients with varying degrees of obesity. This group of patients presents a certain complexity for anesthesia in connection with a number of anatomical and physiological changes and a high risk of complications in the early postoperative period in connection with which this study was conducted.

Purpose of trial. Study of the influence of various anaesthetic management and perioperative analgesia with simultaneous hernioplasty and abdominoplasty of major postoperative incisional hernia (PIH) in patients with obesity during the perioperative period.

Materials and methods. A randomized trial of 59 patients with a body mass index > 30 kg /m2 was performed. Depending on the type of anesthesia, patients are divided into two groups. In the 1st group (n = 30), the operation was performed on low-flow inhalation of desflurane based anaesthesia in combination with prolonged epidural analgesia (PEA) with ropivacaine, in the 2nd group (n = 29), the operation was performed on low flow inhalation of desflurane anesthesia based in combination with blockade of transverse abdominal plane (TAP) with 0.5% solution of ropivacaine, in the 3rd group (n = 31) the operation was performed under combined anesthesia based of low flow desflurane and opioids as main perioperative analgesic. The indicators adequacy of anesthesia parameters investigated, central and peripheral hemodynamics were monitored neuromuscular conduction, evaluated the efficacy of recovery after surgery and postoperative analgesia quality, postoperative critical incident were studied.

Results. It was found that surgical intervention in low-flow inhalation desflurane anaesthesia based combined with PEA ropivacaine promotes faster recovery after surgery and effective postoperative analgesia and fewer complications in the early postoperative period, which contributed to significantly shorter hospital lengths of stay for patients in group 1 — 82,5 hours (95% CI 76–93,5) compared with group 2 — 94 hours (95% CI 85,5–113) (p = 0,015).

Conclusions. Combined desflurane-based anesthesia in combination with regional methods is an effective method of anesthesia and analgesia in the perioperative period and contributes to faster recovery after surgery and shorter surgical treatment with simultaneous hernio- and abdominoplasty of large (PIH) in obese patients.

PDF_2019-01_45-51 (Russian)

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Russian.


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