Clinical predictors of neonatal sepsis
PDF_2018-4_38-41 (Русский)


early predictors

How to Cite

Gizatullin R.K., Mironov P.I. Clinical predictors of neonatal sepsis. Annals of Critical Care. 2018;(4):38–41. doi:10.21320/1818-474X-2018-4-38-41.


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One of the key issues in the fight against sepsis is the early detection of its predictors. The aim of the work is to identify predictors the development of neonatal sepsis.

Methods. Design-retrospective, observational, single-center. The development included 163 newborns with sepsis, 34 died. The Kulbak measure was used to assess the informativeness of the studied clinical and laboratory variables. The function of response was taken as the outcome of the disease: survived or died.

Results. The analysis of the informative value of clinical and laboratory parameters in newborns on the risk of development of lethal outcome.

Conclusion. The predictors of early neonatal sepsis include indicators of the number of blood platelets, total blood protein, body weight and the number of blood neutrophils. Their critical threshold values are also calculated.
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