Еnglish for anesthesiologist: fashion or necessity?
PDF_2018-3_22-29 (Русский)


English language
evidence-based medicine
intensive care medicine
scientometric index

How to Cite

Tokmakov К.А., Gorbachev V.I., Unzhakov V.V., Gorbacheva S.M. Еnglish for anesthesiologist: fashion or necessity?. Annals of Critical Care. 2018;(3):22–29. doi:10.21320/1818-474X-2018-3-22-29.


Abstract Views: 22
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Background. Evidence-based medicine exists as a new paradigm for medical practice all over the world for more than 25 years. Evidence-based medicine requires new skills of the physician, including efficient literature searching and the application of formal rules of evidence evaluating the clinical literature. But what about english language for medical practice?

Objective is to determine whether english essential for anesthesiologists for practicing evidence-based medicine in a clinical setting.

Methods. Comparison of english and russian-language journals in the categories of «Anesthesiology and pain medicine»and “Critical care and intensive care medicine” using such scientometric indicators as CiteScore 2016 and CiteScore 2017, Journal Impact Factor, SCImago Journal Rank, SNIP. A survey of students(specialty “anesthesiology and intensive care medicine” (n = 19), and anesthesiologists (n = 31) to assess the level of knowledge of English language.

Results. We determined that without access to English-language journals, anesthesiologists are not able to practice evidence-based medicine in a clinical setting. English language skills of anesthesiologists are not enough to understand english full-text articles.

Conclusion. Russian anesthesiologists need english language for successful practice of evidence-based medicine.

PDF_2018-3_22-29 (Русский)


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