Monitoring of Muscle Relaxation in Routine Anesthesia Practice: Three-year Experience
ISSN (print) 1726-9806     ISSN (online) 1818-474X
PDF_2017-1_24-28 (Russian)


muscle relaxants
neuromuscular block
neuromuscular monitoring

How to Cite

Chuprin S.V., Sushkova O.V., Girinskaia L.N., Kuznetsov S.A., Myasnikova V.V. Monitoring of Muscle Relaxation in Routine Anesthesia Practice: Three-year Experience. Annals of Critical Care. 2017;(1):24-28. doi:10.21320/1818-474X-2017-1-24-28


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Neuromuscular block is a really significant component of anesthesia during surgery operations. At this time, individual sensitivity to neuromuscular blocking differs considerably and depends on great number of factors. The main task of conduct of neuromuscular monitoring is exclusion of residual block and recovery of neuromuscular conductivity. We present analysis of three years’ experience of application of monitoring of neuromuscular conductivity. The aim of the research is the estimation of effectiveness of usage of monitoring of neuromuscular conductivity in daily practice of anesthesia service for provision of patients’ security and formation of comfortable conditions for surgeons’ work. Materials and methods. In our research, we included 4459 patients who had operating treatment under general anesthesia. All the patients were divided in two groups. In the first group (2355 patients) during anesthesia there used monitor TOF-Watch SX (Organon, Ireland). In the second group (2104 patients) monitoring of neuromuscular conductivity was not performed. Results. The received results lead to the conclusion that application of monitoring of neuromuscular conductivity allowed to decrease statistically number of incidents connected with insufficient neuromuscular blocking or impaired reversion of neuromuscular block. Absence of statistically considerable differences in quantity of hyperdynamic reactions in the circulatory system connected with intubation, probably, is caused by great quantity of heterogeneous factors of influence on this index. Also, application of monitor of neuromuscular conductivity made it possible to conform to a surgeon’s expectations, ensuring muscular relaxation suitable for surgery conditions. Conclusion. Usage of monitors of neuromuscular conductivity in routine anesthesia practice is necessary and essential for ensuring patients’ security and creation of comfortable conditions for surgeons work.

PDF_2017-1_24-28 (Russian)


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