Catheterization of the subclavian and other central veins. Guidelines
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central vein
central venous access
subclavian catheterization

How to Cite

Sumin S.A., Kuzkov V.V., Gorbachev V.I., Shapovalov K.G. Catheterization of the subclavian and other central veins. Guidelines. Annals of Critical Care. 2020;(1):7–18. doi:10.21320/1818-474X-2020-1-7-18.


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The article presents the main provisions of the recommendations for catheterization of the subclavian and other central veins. Indications and contraindications, main complications, methods of their prevention and timely diagnosis are presented. Particular emphasis is placed on the legal aspects of the decision to perform this medical manipulation, as well as its documentation. Algorithms are given for choosing a central vein for performing a puncture in various clinical situations.
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