Features of the protection of the rights of doctors — anesthesiologist-reanimatologists at the stage of a preliminary consequence. Federation of anaesthesiologists and reanimatologists legal committee information
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preliminary investigation
degree of guilt
forensic-medical examination
Mendelssohnʼs syndrome

How to Cite

Unzhakov V.V., Gorbachev V.I. Features of the protection of the rights of doctors — anesthesiologist-reanimatologists at the stage of a preliminary consequence. Federation of anaesthesiologists and reanimatologists legal committee information. Annals of Critical Care. 2019;(3):42–45. doi:10.21320/1818-474X-2019-3-42-45.


Abstract Views: 47
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The article discusses the concept of the degree of guilt in the actions of a physician — anesthesiologist and resuscitator with philosophical and legal approaches. An example is a rational approach to the examination in determining the guilt of a doctor in the event of a critical condition in a patient.
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